References & Sources

To fulfill this website’s objectives, both neutral and accurate narrative and good references are needed.  The process of enriching the website’s content with references and sources will be ongoing, and particularly intense over the next number of months.

For citation and information sources, there are presently embedded links in the document that will be compiled on a single page going forward.  These links lead to the following types of sources:

  • Pubmed searches usually using MeSH terms that provide an up-to-date search every time the link is clicked
  • Links to specific articles, websites or other sources
  • Links to RefShare folders, which are curated collections of articles URLs and other sources pertinent to the topic.

The purpose of these links is not to support a particular point of view so much as to give convenient access to the range of material that is available.

In addition the following resources will be put online over the next short to intermediate interval of time:

  • Several online RefWorks databases containing references in the following areas
    • pathophysiological
    • genetic
    • behavioral

Here are some further pertinent sources:

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