

This website’s purpose is to stimulate reflection on the ways we think about autism, each of us individually and also collectively, and to promote thoughtful discourse amongst different points of view.

How we think shapes what we do.  This affects people’s lives profoundly.  How we communicate and listen and absorb and assimilate new information shapes how richly we understand.

By focusing on open discourse, reflection on assumptions, synergisms, and transitions from either/or to both/and thinking, the hope is that people will look for ways of creating integration rather than opposition — and where there remain differences, sharpening the clarity and accuracy with which they are understood and addressed.

Discussion on this website will be moderated.

The website will grow as each topic gets fleshed out further.  Your thoughtful input can make a real contribution.  Thank you in advance.


This website is also a companion project to the book The Autism Revolution: Whole Body Strategies for Making Life All It Can Be, by Martha Herbert, PhD, MD and Karen Weintraub, MS.  You can order the book online and go to the book’s website www.autismrevolution.org.  This autismWHYandHOW website pursues issues raised in that book in more detail, often more technically, and with more references than the book could support.

autismWHYandHOW is also meant to promote an ongoing and interactive process.  It is an Inquiry Project of the Higher Synthesis Foundation.


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